Quotes on Government and Life

“The first principle of society consists in the marriage tie, the next in children, the next in a family within one roof, where everything is in common. This society gives rise to the city, and is, as it were, the nursery of the commonwealth.” -Marcus...

No Compromise with Life

By: Margo Diann Nissley-Abshier, ND 3/27/2010 Dear Candidate, This letter was started as a response to your reply to my email of March 21, 2010.  We are very busy, as I am sure you are also, and even made a quick trip back to your home state of Montana recently, so I...

Abortion vs Life

By: Margo Diann Abshier, ND 11/19/2002 Hypocrites or Hypocrisy: America, the CHOICE is Yours As a licensed physician, the political, moral and ethical issue of abortion has been a vexation to me for many years. In recent political campaigns, some candidates and their...

Cheney’s Daughter

by: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 10/14/2009 From: Jonathan To: “Thomas Lee Abshier, ND” Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 10:45 AM Subject: Cheney’s daughter Dear Thomas, Bush said in the debate he did not know whether homosexuality was a choice or fate....

Legislating Sexuality

by: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND It’s Not Just About Sex by: Albert Mohler June 28, 2005 David Steinmetz is a professor at the Divinity School of Duke University. In a recent article, he raised a very significant insight about the controversies over homosexuality in...

The Bible and Homosexuality

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 4/23/2004 Dear Thomas, I was drawn to your Web page by your listing in the recent voter’s pamphlet. I served as a senator in the student government at a local Community College. I recently also hosted (at my own expense and without...