Guns in Church

Christian Gun Ownership and Concealed Carry as a Christian Responsibility By Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 6/26/2009 Dear Tom, I was at Starbucks and ran across an interesting article on the front page of the NY Times. Pastor Urges His Flock to Bring Guns to Church This...

The Culture War

By: Thomas & Margo Abshier, NDs —– Original Message —– From: Steven To: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 1:17 PM Subject: Bush, Katrina, Supreme Court Nominees, Judicial Activism, and Social Conservatives Steve:...

Legislating Morality

By Margo Abshier, ND It happened in 1992, at our national professional association annual convention. A gay colleague, who is also a lawyer, came rushing at me and screamed, “Margo, you can’t legislate morality.” What happened next was one of the...