Justification for War

by Thomas Lee Abshier, ND11/23/2010 —– Original Message —– From: John To: Thomas Lee Abshier Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 2:04 PM Subject: Fwd: The War Party Vs. Rand Paul FYI…. John ‹(•¿•)› Subject: The War Party Vs. Rand Paul Justin...

Liberty: God’s Gift to Humanity

By: Chana B. Cox  (Author) Review by W. Collier: Liberty: God’s Gift to Humanity (Paperback) If you’re confused by the partisan wrangling between conservatives and liberals in the U.S.; if you wonder why you don’t agree with either party but you know...

Self Interest as a False god

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 03/16/2014 From: John H. Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 10:17 AM To: ‘Thomas Lee Abshier, ND’ Subject: Interesting thought experiment Here’s a test: “I’m holding a baby in one hand, and a petri dish holding an embryo in the other....

Nation Building

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 11/26/2010 Overview: The following is a short development of the next point in the theory of how to return America to prosperity. The key is giving, short term sacrifice, teaching righteous law and government, and the unemployed working to...